
Srinagar to Kargil

Again, the rain has been falling since last night. I waited till 9 am; from heavy it goes to drizzle. I can do it in the slow rain as I wouldn’t want to wait another day here. Packed up and in 10 minutes, was rolling in light drizzle. The cloud seemed breaking up but I predicted that it should be ok along the way. But after 20km, my prediction was so wrong…the rain became more heavier. 

Saw some small stalls by the roadside and I stopped for a break…well, to take cover from the heavy rain actually. Cloaked 50km in 2 hours. Too slow, but I think it was good; safe ride uphill.

Again, I have been bugged by kids asking for money. At first I just ignored them but when one of them acted to the extreme, like trying to grab my helmet, I just snapped and my plastic chair flew straight at him. He fell, dropped my helmet and ran away. Thiefs.

Locals just look as if nothing happened. And some even have the guts to scratch on my helmet. Lucky it didn’t break the visor.

Finished my drink and light snack (didn’t know what was it) and moved on riding. It was really hard to ascend the steep mountains in rain and muddy ice. Watch the video and you will know.  But believe me that the view was worth it. Lil G was working really hard today. Pushed her to the limit.

Along the way Lil G had some difficulity breathing. At times, in thin air, she just died. Air starvation. It’s ok if it was downhill but uphill among the big trucks is no fun at all.

Along the way in the heavy rain I met a group of local riders of Royal Einfield; all soaked and shivering. Short break with them before I moved on.

Reached Kargil at about 7pm.  Almost dark.

Wet and cold as I was looking for a room and the whole town went dark. Power was gone again. Took me more than an hour to find a room within my budget in the dark. And nothing can be done in this darkness. Had my dinner and G is sleeping outside in the cold.

Enjoy the short video of me in the rain, ice and what ever in-between.

Khoda Hafez

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Kargil to Leh

Today I started early. Trying to catch the morning sun and morning ride. Beautiful scenery. Morning sun was nice but it didn’t get me warm at this altitude. Pretty slow and easy ride though. By 12 noon, was not even halfway. Was just ascending higher and higher and higher all the way until I reached the highest peak.  G had to be re-fueled twice. Uphill riding like this she drank too much fuel.. Suprisingly today she performed really well. Not once she died of air starvation, even at almost 14000ft. After that most of it was downhill. Guess I started early and managed to avoid those trails of big trucks.

Entered Leh almost 4pm.

Leh is a beautiful small town way up high on the mountain, 3500meter above sea level. Though it is very far away, really worth it. Got a small simple room with hot shower near old bazaar. And wonderful view from the roof. It’s not just the cold here in Leh, it’s the chilly wind that makes me shiver. Am really shivering while typing this. Wearing layers of all the clothes I have with me, I am still shivering. Chilled to the bone. Hahaha.

Went around this small town trying to get myself familiar to where I stay and where I will be heading. Time to grab a bite. Hungry. Saw a local food joint filled with people. Must be nice if it’s full. Masala tea and garlic fried rice to warm me this evening.

I have been on the road too long I guess that I lost track what day it is. I need to get a permit to go to Khardung La tomorrow. Khardung La is the highest passable road on earth.

And silly me, tomorrow is Sunday. District office that issues the permit is closed. Gotta wait till Monday I guess. Another extra day stay for me.

Found few cyber cafes here but the fee were way out of my budget.. Cost me more than a meal for an hour.. Guess I have to wait till I am back in Srinagar.

Getting dark and too cold for me. Need good hot shower and hit the bed.

Happy sunday.Khoda Hafez

16 thoughts on “Srinagar-Kargil-Leh”

  1. Good to know you’re safe bro.. and the laughter, if you can call it laughter, is a good sign of your moral during that ride!! Beautiful ride by the snowy mountains… Stay healthy and safe bro….


  2. Bro..with regards to Lil G suffocating while climbing uphill, aku pernah kena this once (although it was a different bike and naik Cameron je, bukan setinggi yg bro naik tu) but most probably is because there is a small amount of water build up in the carb..different temperature outside and the heat inside the engine area causes condensation and water forms in the carb’s cool area..

    Solution? Maybe there is a water outlet valve somewhere around the carb area that you could release water build up in the carb..I;m not too sure..had this problem with my CBX dulu..same thing..
    Alternatively, pusing the choke screw to open wider the air intake to the carb..timing will be slightly higher than usual and usually will heat up the engine but your cold mountain temperature will cool it down almost immediately..

    Have a try..

    Ride safe, take care..salam bro


    1. lilG hv diff is working fine.
      biasa laaa
      lain padang dia masuk.
      takes time to adapt.
      dah ok dahhh….
      orang pon batuk jugak kena sejuk mcm ni




    1. skarang ok
      1-sihat alhamdulillah
      2-motor ok,ada skit oil leak kat mangkuk kanan yg 3 skru tu
      3-biasa la merantau ni
      4-makan sama macam makan kedai mamak
      ada sponsor?


  4. Kenapa saya nampak tayar belakang tu macam pasang terbalik jer.. Patutnya arrow thread tu menghadap ke depan.. Ker saya yang salah nampak?


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