Ride to Esfahan and Esfahan City

Another interval.

29 June 2010

Esfahan is one of the finest cities that I know in Iran. A must visit. A masterpiece itself. Expensive though. The ride from Yazd took me about 6 hrs. Started early and reached there late noon. My friend was still working when I called him to say that I have arrived safely. While waiting for him, I headed off to the square as the locals call it; known also as “half the world”. I got greeted in Bahasa Malaysia but that was not a surprise because some of them have worked or studied in Malaysia before.

I let the pictures do the talking.


10 thoughts on “Ride to Esfahan and Esfahan City”

  1. Hadi..
    kalau Esfahan sah-sah la budak UM hehe..
    Ada 1,000 lebih pelajar Iran di UM sekarang, kebanyakannya postgraduate students..
    Apapun..semoga sentiasa selamat dan kalau mampu puasa, berpuasalah kerana pahala dan barkah sehari puasa di bulan Ramadhan itu takkan dapat disamai walau berpuasa 100 hari tanpa henti..
    Kalau panas dan letih sangat ambillah rukhsah, pun dapat pahala kerana mengambil kemudahan yang disediakan Allah…


  2. setuju dgn Donbalon tuh Hadi…semoga bln Ramadan thn ni lbh bermakna lg kerana Tuan berpeluang berpuasa di bbrp benua yg berlainan…masyaAllah betapa bertuahnya Tuan…
    sy & keluarga yg sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan perjlnan Tuan sentiasa berdoa agar sentiasa beroleh kesejahteraan & diberiNYA kekuatan ( mmng dh kuat dr org lain pun !! )lg…aminnnnn


  3. hey, its very inspiring to see people like you travelling with motor bike, I wish I do that some day, by the way I am from isfahan, but I live in malaysia, I took some pictures in isfahan,here are some links to my facebook, feel free to add them to your collection,isfahan has many hidden amazing places, go to the old houses album and see for yourself,keep travelling, keep learning, keep growing brother

    pictures of a mosque from 8th century that I took
    http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=311087&id=627730112&l= cf6deef8ea

    some old houses in isfahan I went

    chehelsotun isfahan

    christian region in isfahan

    a resturaunt in isfahan

    flower guarden in isfahan

    aliqapur in isfahan

    the river in isfahan


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