Project ‘I Am Malaysian’ is a one-man expedition to London, UK by traversing through Asia and the Middle East on a motorcycle. The journey will start in Kuala Lumpur and will end in the city of London.

The project will be carrying the 1Malaysia banner. 1Malaysia is an idea initiated by Malaysia’s Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

One rider, Syed Hadi, will be going through the rough terrain and unpredictable weather on the route towards London by going through a few Asian countries and the Middle East.

The distance between Kuala Lumpur to the city of London is around 25,000 kilometers, along with the programs included in the journey, the rider will be covering close to 30,000 kilometers in total distance.

List of countries that will be visited are:

  1. Malaysia
  2. Thailand
  3. Nepal
  4. India
  5. Pakistan
  6. Iran
  7. Armenia
  8. Turkey
  9. Greece
  10. Albania
  11. Macedonia
  12. Serbia
  13. Bosnia Herzegowina
  14. Croatia
  15. Hungary
  16. Slovakia
  17. Austria
  18. Slovenia
  19. Italy
  20. Switzerland
  21. German
  22. Czech Republic
  23. Poland
  24. Netherlands
  25. Belgium
  26. France
  27. Uk


The project’s aim and directive is to achieve what most people would just dream of doing. An achievement by a Malaysian is just the same as an achievement of Malaysia.

Through several different approaches, the project will project a general acknowledgement of the 1Malaysia concept, which is unity in diversity.

The 1Malaysia concept is not specific to Malaysia only; as the concept can be applied to the people of the world in general as the world consist of many different races, religions, beliefs and culture.

This project’s aim is just that- to promote unity through a very diverse environment.

113 thoughts on “The Project ( IAMALAYSIAN KL-LONDON 2010)”

  1. caya lah bang hadi, nak bawak bendera johor lagi! laksa johor tak nak bungkus ke?? :)apa2 pun all the best, esok lusa ride dari london to california pulak eh!


  2. pergh… memang dasyat anak MAlaysia sekarang…
    saya kalau ada peluang, memang teringin nak pergi…
    apa kan daya.. peluangnya tak ada… hehehe.. selamat balik dan pulang!


  3. Proud of you may all goes well. Proof you dont need politician money and publicity to do it. Please proof to others thats depend on sponsor is not important, determination, guts and spirit is all you need.
    All the way Bro.Keep posted


  4. I’m also a proud owner of GT128. and ur bike color is same like mine. I just wanna know, is it your bike factory standard or already been modified? and how much the estimated cost to do the solo trip?


    1. its a factory standard.nothing has been change nor modified
      as how u bought it from the shop.
      the cost can only be known once the trip is done.
      ride safe bro


  5. Salam Bro…. Semoga berjaya dalam misi anda. SO Far macam mana dengan perancangan Bro. Macam mana back up dari modenas,KEDUTAAN Malaysia serta agensi2 yang terlibat……


    1. Salam.
      alhamdulillah semua is as planned.
      masih lagi belom ada cerita dari mana mana sponsor.
      kedutaan malaysia di luar negara tu mana yg ada di perjalanan dan khidmat diperlukan maka saya akan singgah lah.


  6. gud luck brother,aku kalau ada chance macam hang,nak juga buat ride jauh2,tapi setakat ni conquer dalam semenanjung dulu la


    all the best ya !!!!!!!!


    1. thanks.
      pls invite kengkawan dari gt128 riders untuk lepak kat sini untuk maklumat terkini dan gambar GT beraksi disepanjang perjalanan.
      help spread the word.
      thanks bro


  7. Salam Bro Hadi,
    Ingat lagi kawan lama? kita sama2 buat untuk projek dulu kat Gombak, proud to know and to be your friend dulu, spirit tak pernah padam,tahniah, aku tgh cari dana untuk disalurkan pada bro, niat nak tolong kawan lama,if you need anything, or urgent help, just call me,



  8. Go Hadi GOOOO~~!! this is what i called MSIA’s PROUD !! bangga see some1 doing this kind of stuff !!!

    and its far more better than the one go into space….


  9. assalamualaikum,saya tumpang bangga dgn usaha bro hadi, semoga berjaya melaksanakan misi ni, tabahkan hati bro.terus sukses smpai london.


  10. Saya bangga dengan saudara Hadi. Kalau pengembaraan saudara Hadi sampai ke benua Amerika, insya-allah saya akan menghulurkan bantuan sebanyak mungkin.
    Jalaludin, Kansas City, USA.


  11. Whooooaa! Kalau Cik Jalaludin jadi sponsor.. There’ll be an extension of the ride! C’mon Malaysian all over the world, help to make this possible!… Safe ride bro Hadi and Stay Healthy!


  12. nk sponsor pn x mampu but admin thanks for the t-shirt idea
    perhaps ada la gak sikit2 kitorang dpt tlg dgn bli t-shirt tu
    nak tlg banyak2 segan sbb stakat nak kasi rm1000 – rm2000 mmg x mampu ar. heheh


    1. kalau seorang citizen donate RM1 pun dah besaq tu tapi tu la, masing2 punya kocek! yang boleh support tu support la. idea t-shirt tu memang ok. yg boleh support tapi tak mau support, dia punya pasal la …..


  13. assalammualaikum bro..,aku kagum dgn semangat bro yang sgat kuat. sebagai seorang rider, pasti aku sgt jeles..,
    just nak tahu macam mana nk berurusan dengan procedure setiap negara? how do you start in international documentation? boleh publish cara dia x? tq..
    mungkin satu hari nnt aku pun akan ikut jejak langkah bro..yes..!!


  14. Asalam_alikum Bro,

    Wish you the best of your Journey, Allmighty Allah and our prayers are with you.


    From Mohd Rawf
    Srinagar/Kashmir ( India)


  15. Asalaam-Alikum Hadi,

    Any kind of Help required here(in India) please feel free to contact. I am following you here.


    Mohd Rawf


  16. Dear Hadi (& support team),

    there’s a saying – one can always depend on the kindness of strangers. I’ve experienced that often in Malaysia – and although I’m no longer a stranger to your negara, I’m still a kind one 🙂

    My Malaysian wife and myself (I’m a bumiputra of Hungary 🙂 live in Budapest, and we’d be happy to host You and Lil G for a few restful days when you happen to pass through Hungary later in your journey. Our flat is not a five star hotel, but there’d be food, warm water and a comfy couch, and safe underground parking for Lil G.

    Let me know what you think, selamat jalan,

    Adam G


  17. Salam Tuan, perjalanan yang hebat oleh manusia hebat. Semuga Allah SWT memberikan kekuatan untuk menamatkan perjalanan tuan.

    Selamat jalan.

    Azman Primaya


  18. salam syed hadi,

    harap2 projek ni akan diberkati & sukses,insyaallah..
    mmg sblum ni saya & rakan2 disini menrancang utk ride dr doha ke malaysia bila contract keje kt sini dh tamat.. alhamdulillah, dh ada rakyat malaysia yg dah buat, so harap2 boleh la jadi reference utk kami nnti.. salute 2u bro.. i’m proud to be a Malaysian.. doa saya agar segalanya selamat.. aminnnn..


  19. Salam…tahniah diucapkan untuk kejayaan yg telah dan akan ditempuhi dlm perjalanan..syabas tuk bro hadi. Semoga akan selamat kembali ke tanahair tercinta.

    Lady Bikers Malaysia


  20. Salam Tuan,

    Silent shutter tuan banyak menimbulkan kesedaran akan
    Kebesaran Allah SWT. Tuan buat sesuatu yang kami tidak upaya
    lakukan. Bumi Allah yang indah di luar sana, tuan bawa kepada kami
    dan kita mahlukNya sentiasa membuat kerosakan..kerosakan dan kerosakan.

    Niat yang mulia oleh seorang Hamba Allah yang mulia…Semuga Allah SWT memberkati kehidupan Tuan dan keluarga dan negara ini.

    Salam Ramadan dan Teruskan perjuangan Tuan.

    Azman Primaya


  21. assalamualakum bro hadi, bila tahu mengenai solo ride bro ke London, saya keep in touch hampir setiap hari bro punya site. wahh saya jadi betul betul semangat dan terus pegi servis moto saya kat kedai.semoga saya mendapat semangat dan kecekalan macam bro hadi satu hari nanti…..


  22. Hev a nice ride to your final destination brother.
    Is be glad to me to can help you here.
    Allah give you good health and long life!


    1. Salam
      thanking you for the help and support while i am there.looking forward to come and visit you and family again there.
      and also your next visit to malaysia.
      how ever busy u are ,there will be time for our coffee session


      1. Is everithnig ok bro??
        Are you in Belgrade
        Please add me on your facebook my name is Tarik Ahmedspahic

        Good ride and take care!!


  23. salam bro, nak tanya sikit pasal perihal negara myanmar.dengar cite kenderaan asing tidak dibenarkan masuk betul ke ? sebenarnya kami akan buat trip overland 7 country pada tahun depan dengan menaiki kenderaan pacuan empat roda & salah satu tempat yg kami akan lalui adalah myanmar. kami amat berbesar hati sekiranya bro Hadi dapat menerangkan serba sedikit berkenaan procedure untuk ke negara berkenaan.Tq..


  24. Hebaaat… two thumbs up brother …!!! Sudah sering riding di Malaysia dan Thailand… namun tidak terbayang touring dari KL – London menggunakan motor bebek …!!! Saluteee… 😀


  25. Sebagai Riders yang bercita cita seperti anda ,,saya akan berpegang pada Magic Words anda,,.Ride is Fun Untill Something happen ….then we will Know that nobody around us…. except our self…Thanks Bro..Safe ride Forever…


  26. best nya..nk buat jugak nie..from kl-merseyside..
    bro, nak tanya berapa kos untuk trip ni ?
    and basically duit guna untuk apa selain minyak, check in hotel dan makan ?


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