Iamalaysian is in London, UK

We (me and Lil G) are here in UK. Touched down at Dover about 1230PM local time. Nobody was here to greet and meet us. Nobody was around us. Just the two of us.

We are Malaysianlah.

Anyway, arrived London about 3pm. Been going around and around looking for a place to put up a night since almost all places I went are fully booked. Dorm, I mean. Can’t afford to stay in a hotel, motel or anything as such.

It is raining off and on in London. Been going around in the wet and cold. Torn map, soaked and freezing. What else is new, even on the last day of my ride?

Took hot shower and went out for dinner alone. Another day, another story to tell.

Thanks for everything guys. Time for me to get some rest.

I hope and pray for a warm night but I can only just wish in a dorm with no heater.

Khoda Hafez.

84 thoughts on “Iamalaysian is in London, UK”

  1. Alhamdulillah …. Finally! We Malaysians back home knew you did it though there’s nobody to greet or meet. Congratulations ….. have a good rest Bro.


  2. Aik??? semalam ada jer yg sms aku dari sana cakap nak jumpa nko bro…xda sapa2 contact ka?? anyway syukur sumenya dah berakhir…get some rest bro…


    1. rilek laa…member kat sana tu dah sms kat aku bkn dia sengaja pun, dia dah contact hadi katanya & atas sbb ada masalah yg x dpt di elak jd dia x berpeluang nak sambut saudara kita ni…


  3. Salam,


    we are really proud with u.
    with a kapcai, going all around the world,
    helping others.

    that was a one of great things a man can do.



  4. Congratulation!… your dream has come true….. Welcome home and have a good rest. Enjoy this moment while it last….

    “We grow great by dreams. All big men are dreamers. They see things in the soft haze of a spring day or in the red fire of a long winter’s evening. Some of us let these great dreams die, but others nourish and protect them; nurse them through bad days till they bring them to the sunshine and light which comes always to those who sincerely hope that their dreams will come true.”
    ~ Woodrow Wilson


  5. Finally ! After month of following your blog and seeing all those tremendous journey across the continent, our MALAYSIAN had did it again !!

    It’s a proud to the country and nation, thank’s to God for the safe journey without any mishap or unwanted incidents..

    WE are proud of you, and WE are proud to be MALAYSIAN !

    All the best to you again Abg Hadi, wish you come back HOME safely..


    GT128 Riders Community


        1. Saudara…
          terimakasih kerana mengikuti perkembangan.
          tapi kenapa perkembangan di forum terhenti dan dihentikan disitu?
          kenapa admin dari forum tu tak pernah jawap apa jua e mail dari aku?
          ban dan block aku lagi adalah.
          boleh tolong tanyakan?

          masa flag off dialah yg paling ke depan.
          tapi e mail aku,post aku, forum aku dia ban dan block dan delete.
          boleh tolong jawap?
          jangan cakap modenas la bro.
          admin gt pon macam tu jugak.
          lempar batu sembunyi tangan

          orang melayu cakap dayus.
          bukan aku cakap la.
          aku cuma quote ja.

          ka mmg dah kena tutup mulut?

          Khoda Hafez


  6. Here’s how you could help the IAMALAYSIAN Solo Rider if you are truly in support of him and his mission…we still have a lot of IAMALAYSIAN t-shirts for sale, and we need to raise the money for Hadi’s return flight ticket and cargo fees for Lil G..

    Please spread the word about this t-shirt and help us sell these t-shirt which are now considered a Platinum Edition t-shirt since Hadi HAS ARRIVED in London..


    1. CORRECTION : T-Shirt sales is NOT to purchase Hadi’s return flight ticket from London but more of to SHOW SUPPORT FOR THE PROGRAM. If you are a supporter and you wish to contribute to Hadi’s success, please do support him by purchasing the t-shirt and/or spreading the news to everyone else to do the same..it is just a small gesture to show/remind yourself of the ACCOMPLISHED MISSION plus inform everyone else about the mission (if they have not known about the mission yet)

      I hope this clears any misunderstanding. Thanks


  7. well done bro Hadi! Tumpang bangga dan gembira dengan kejayaan bro. I hope some kind souls would offer you valuable assistance while you’re on London.

    Have a safe trip home.


    1. Salam…kami tak buat apa apa pun, semua Bro Hadi yang buat..kami membantu mana yang boleh je..hampir 99.9% adalah usaha Bro Hadi sendiri…


  8. Tahniah! Bro telah membuktikan pada dunia semangat bro sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia. Berani dan sabar menempuh cabaran..Turut berbangga dengan lil g atas kemampuannya.. Alhamdulilah…


  9. salam,


    TAHNIAH!!!…….tuan telah buktikan yg kapcai Malaysia pun boleh sampai London dgn solo ride……ride pakai motor besar2 dah biasa dengar….tp yg ni mmg SPECIAL!!!

    semoga Allah swt selamatkan tuan di sana…..dan semoga selamat sampai ke tanah air yg tercinta…..

    saya sentiasa mengikuti perkembangan tuan….



  10. Allahu Akbar. Maha Suci Allah dan Segala Pujian Bagi Allah.
    Tahniah buat bro Hadi. Semoga pengalaman dan ilmu yang bro dapat sepanjang perjalanan ini dapat dikongsi bersama kami. Mungkin bro boleh buat travel log yang lebih terperinci untuk dikongsi bersama kami. Kalau boleh dibukukan laaaggiii baik. (mengharap sangat nie). Tahniah sekali lagi.


    1. trimas zack.
      pengalaman boleh dikongsi…
      kos ter lalu tinggi dan pengalaman mengajar buku sebegini tiada pasaran dimalaysia.
      nak harap penajaan?
      jauh panggang dari api
      mungkin sidang kopi
      itu pon tertakluk pada yg berminat dan sanggup mengeluarkan belanja


  11. As-Salam. Tahniah! bangga sangat ada rakyat Malaysia macam bro. Walaupun tiada orang2 besar di belakang anda, saya yakin kejayaan ni akan menjadi buah mulut rakyat Malaysia. Tahniah sekali lagi..!


  12. Salam.
    Kalau nak buat buku aku cadangkan buat dalam bentuk e-book format .pdf. Compile kan semua gambar dan sedikit coretan perjalanan serta pengalaman. Kosnya free(brgantung kpd jenis software)…dan bro juga boleh dapatkan wang tambahan dengan meletakkan ruang iklan kepada mana2 website atau company yg brminat. Dan kitorang juga boleh download dgn free…sekadar cadangan.

    errr…camne motor. Mentenen, kos. Dah brape kilometer odometer kat Lil G tunjuk???
    fuh..aku dari dulu risau je tngok bro pakai kapcai jer..dahlah GT tu kire model baru lagi. Apa2 pun akhirnya selamat gak smpai. alhamdulillah..


    1. kalau nak bagi cadangan aku cadangkan biarlah cadangan itu cadangan yang membina,bukan cadangan yang membinasa.
      kalau saudara nak tolong buatkan pon ada ka orang yang nak beli ruang iklan?
      boleh ka saudara tolong?
      Saudara,Saya dan webmaster ni dan kawan disekeliling dah berkecimpung dalam dunia penerbitan buku bukan baru setahun dua.
      dah jadi darah daging.
      belom lagi dalam sejarah manusia orang buat buku free.
      Buku lima pon lepas tu kena bayar bil jugak.

      sambil menulis pon kena minum kopi dan makan dan nak membayar bill dan sebagai.
      nak masuk jamban pon kena bayar.

      ada orang nak tolong?

      Khoda Hafez


  13. Tahniah Bro Hadi!! Kalau nak teruskan perjalanan ke US, ada sorg member kat Kansas, pastu teruskan lagi perjalanan je ke California ni, you will be most welcome in my home, brape lama yg perlu pun takpe. Kalau nak service muto, ade lah ape je yg perlu disini.


  14. Makes me sad no one greeted you.

    Epic trip, inspiration to many.

    Thanks for letting us live through your adventure….



      1. Bulehhhhh.. saya dah bli t shirt i am malaysia.. hehe..
        nak sponser lebih keje pon jadi kerani cabuk jer… sbb tu amik gt128.. huhu..


  15. salam..bro hadi..alhamdulillah n well done..not much i can say comparing what have u achieved…it was something unspeakable n of coz proved that we will success as long there is will…cgrats billion times~! ley share story bro ni dlm fb sy x? 😀


  16. salam bro.. 1st of all congratulations!! …u make us proud.. alhamdulillah then… right now you still need to find the money to bring precious lil’G back to its homeland right?


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